VOX Global


It starts with a goal: yours. Our diverse backgrounds and unique experiences let us view your issue from every possible angle — understanding the audience, anticipating the reaction and capturing the opportunity. The result? A fully-integrated, creative campaign strategy backed by powerful, human-c... Read more




Org chart

Robert Hoopes

Robert Hoopes

Bailey Witt (Wilkinson)
Senior Vice President
Cameron Munson
Senior Vice President
Charlee Beasor
Senior Vice President
Jen Anderson
Senior Vice President
Justin Rouse
Senior Vice President
Kevin A. Maley
Senior Vice President
Tim Brown
Senior Vice President
Walt Sharp
Senior Vice President And Senior Partner
Emily Alcantar
Vice President
Carey Tarbell
General Manager
Meghan Martin
Executive Assistant
Alex Hahn
Managing Director, ESG & Corporate Social Responsibility
Amy Rogers
Senior Vice President & Partner
James Baril
Senior Vice President & Partner, Behavioral Insights Lead
Jessica Abensour
Partner And Senior Vice President, ESG
Kate Harris
Vice President, Creative