


Wantable is an e-commerce company offering curated assortments of women's makeup, fashion accessories, and intimate apparel.

Org chart

Jalem G.
Founder & CEO

Jalem G.

Ashley Carleton Ulmer
Director Of Customer Service
Casey Sobrilsky
Technical Co-founder & Chief Software Architect
Jennifer Lutz
Vice President Merchandising & Product Development
Jessica Hinsenkamp
Buying Director
Kelly Vento
Creative Director
Tiffany Cooley
Chief Marketing Officer
Tyson Ciepluch
Chief Operations Officer
Wili Roberts
VP of Growth
Barb Roman
Staff Accountant
Emily Blaser
Customer Service Associate
Peri Sem
Senior Customer Service Representative
Shantelle C Stephens
Senior Customer Service Advocate
Sidney Kohnke
Customer Care Advocate
Taryn Barr
Customer Service Supervisor
Caroline Adatire
Customer Support Associate
Marcy-Lyn Sibal
Customer Service And Style Supervisor
Carlyann Campione
Dale Reince
Fashion & Product Photographer, Videographer, Digital Technician, Stylist.