Julie Martin

Director, Community Developmental Services at WASHINGTON COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES INC

Julie Martin, MPA, MEd, is the Director of Developmental Services at WCMHS. She has been in her current position since 1999. As Director, she has been on numerous state, regional and local committees including the State Standing Committee, Equity, and Public Safety Funding Committees, both the Adult and Children’s Local Inter-agency Teams and has been a member and Chair of the Developmental Service Director group.

Julie is originally from Hawaii where she worked in the Developmental Services field since high school. She held positions in many areas including, but not limited to, direct support work at employment sites and in schools, residential management, and case management. She also worked at the University of Hawaii as a faculty member on a Supported Employment Grant, which is where she received her Masters of Education in Special Education. She earned her first Master’s degree at Eastern Michigan University in the field of Public Administration and her Bachelor's from Western Michigan University.