

Zipline's mission is to provide every human on Earth with instant access to vital medical supplies.

In order to achieve our mission, they've built the world's fastest and most reliable delivery drone, the world's largest autonomous logistics network, and a truly amazing team.

Org chart

Keller Rinaudo
CEO & Co-Founder

Keller Rinaudo

Keenan Wyrobek
Co-Founder, CTO & Product Architect
Caity Barnes
Head Of People
Deepak Ahuja
Chief Business And Financial Officer
Ashley Chandler
Chief Marketing Officer
Conor French
Chief Regulatory Officer
Joseph Mardall
Head of Engineering
Laura Lievre
Executive Assistant
Irene Scher
SVP, US Sales and Customer Success
Miki Sofer
Svp, Partnerships
Nichole Benavente
Senior Executive Assistant To The CEO + Co-founder