Gabriel Glogoski

Front End Engineer at 10up

Gabriel always knew he would be working in the IT industry. 10-year-olds usually don’t even think about the college they’ll attend, but for Gabriel, it was clear from the start that it will be related to IT.

He started his web development journey in a smaller agency that was, by chance, oriented on custom WordPress development. Even though he always envisioned himself as a frontend engineer, through WordPress he got the opportunity to practice the backend side of development. Other than building custom WordPress sites and eCommerce solutions he found a passion for mentoring new colleagues and teaching them best coding practices.

On his next job, in one of the leading Croatian development agencies, he got the opportunity to put his mentorship skills to the test by taking a role as a lecturer in a company education program. He was teaching how to build modern and sustainable WordPress sites and utilize the block editor for a better editorial experience. On the engineering side, he worked on a really broad spectrum of WordPress projects: migrating and rebuilding a college site from Drupal to WordPress, rebuilding the REST API from django CMS to WordPress and a fully interactive presentation web for an up-and-coming payment processing platform.

Org chart


  • Front End Engineer

    Current role