Adimec Advanced Image Systems bv


Adimec specializes in the development and manufacturing of high-performance cameras that meet the application specific requirements of key market segments, including machine vision, healthcare, and global security. To fit cameras to the requirements of the markets Adimec is specialized in various i... Read more




Org chart

Joost van Kuijk

Andre Jacobs
Director Marketing and Sales
Ingrid Ooms
HR Manager
Jos Bellers
Operations Director
Kathleen Dugan
Managing Director, Americas
Martien K.
Quality Manager
Meng Kiang Tan
Business Director
Patrick Kilian
IT Manager
Peter Laros
Business Line Director Healthcare
René Elfrink
R&D manager - teamcoach bij Adimec Advanced Image Systems bv
Sjors van der Steen
Technology Director
Walter Versantvoort
Sr project manager
Tosca Kolen
Senior Technical Project Manager
Thijs Huijbers
Project Manager
Rolf Hofland
Senior Project Manager
Paul van Hagen
Project shop operator
Koen Timmermans
Corporate recruiter
Just Smit
Commissaris RVC, corporate goverance team
Todd Zhu
Business Development manger
Nick Valk
Project Buyer