Administration for Community Living


ACL was created around the fundamental principle that all people, regardless of age or disability, should be able to live independently and fully participate in their communities. By advocating across the federal government for older adults, people with disabilities, and families and caregivers; fun... Read more




Org chart

Lance Robertson

Lance Robertson

Laura McDowell
Lead Business Analyst
Greg Link
Director, Office Of Supportive And Caregiver Services
Caroline Ryan
Deputy Director, Center For Innovation And Partnership
Adam Mosey
Special Assistant
Andrea Callow
Office For Policy Analysis And Development
Fay Gordon
Region IX Administrator
Jill Jacobs
Commissioner Administration On Disabilities
Kristen Robinson
Social Science Analyst
Madeline Loss
Program Analyst
Mary Kate Brown
Special Assistant In The Immediate Office Of The Administrator
Miles Rather
Grants Management Specialist
Terrill Curtis
Management Analyst
Beverley Laubert
National Ombudsman Program Coordinator