Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana


Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana is a company on a mission: to improve the health and lives of Louisianians. We take that mission very seriously and apply it to everything we do. But, we also like to have fun! After all, we live and work in a state known for its joie de vivre, its great food... Read more

Org chart

I. Steven Udvarhelyi
President and Chief Executive Officer

I. Steven Udvarhelyi

Chelle Cupit
Cfo, Monroe Operations
Lou Patalano
Chief Legal Officer, Senior Vice President & Corporate Secretary
Sabrina Hogan
President Elehealth
Shane Bray
Chief Customer Experience Officer (cxo)
Mary Saporito
Chief Audit Executive
Ben Vicidomina
Vp, Analytics & Quality Improvement
Angela Gauthier
Vice President, Provider Contracts And Networks
Brian Keller
Svp/ Chief Marketing Officer
Sue Kozik
Senior Vice President And CIO
Bourgeois Tina
Senior Vice President, CIO