Airports Council International - North America


Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) represents local, regional, and state governing bodies that own and operate commercial airports in the United States and Canada. ACI-NA member airports enplane more than 95 percent of the domestic and virtually all the international airline pass... Read more


Washington, US




Org chart

Kevin M. Burke
President and Chief Executive Officer

Kevin M. Burke

Scott Elmore Apr
Vice President, Communications And Marketing
Amyclaire Brusch
Managing Director, Policy And Regulatory Affairs
Philippe Villard
Senior Vice President, Economic Affairs & Policy
Annie Russo
Chief Political And Congressional Strategy Officer
Melinda Pagliarello
Managing Director, Environmental Affairs
Matt Cornelius
Executive Vice President
Aneil Patel
Senior Vice President, Programs
Gregory Cota
Senior Vice President Of Government And Political Affairs
Heather Bees
Director, Finance And Administration
Melanie Garby
Reception /administration
Michelle Andriano
Admin/front Office
Peter Aarons
Opsid Committee Steering Group - Associate Representative
Celeste Newman
Conference Manager
Roel Huinink
Wbp/associates - Board Of Directors