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Calculate is a supergroup of financial experts who sharpened their skills at powerhouse firms like Goldman Sachs and PwC. Now they are using all the knowledge they’ve accumulated to help growing companies make more calculated decisions.





Org chart

Alison Cuzzolino
Partner, Consumer
Federico Ruiz-Reyes
Partner, Consumer
Kaley Pate
Director, Tax
Jana Katcher
Director, Consumer
Andy Garcia
Associate Director, Services
Joe Pisauro
Associate Director, Recruiting
Lindsey Tapping
Associate Director, Recruiting
Mike Polgur
Associate Director, FDD
Anthony Berini
Associate Director, Services
Ashley Jones
Associate, Consumer
Mohamed Diagne
Associate, Funds
Nicole Engle
Associate, Tech
Katie O’Brien
Sr. Associate, Tech
Jean-Paul Martin
Senior Associate, Agencies