Leadership Team


The co-founder of The Next Company and board member of CARIUMA, CESAR, Grupo ABC de Comunicação, Nearshore Executive Alliance, and Sensedia, the head of digital at Grupo ABC de Comunicação, and the director of international businesses at Ci&T Software SA, SOA-based software engineering post-grad course coordinator at IBTA, and professor at IBTA Campinas, delivery executive at IBM, software developer at Liveware, and co-founder of Smart Canvas®, the applied physics researcher at Universidade Estadual de Campinas has a degree in business administration from FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas, a degree in energy innovation and emerging technologies from Stanford University, a degree in business analytics from The Wharton School, a degree in computer science from UFSCar - Alumni, and a degree in entrepreneurship from Babson College.

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