City of Urbana, Illinois


Located in the heart of Champaign County in east central Illinois, Urbana (pop. 41,581) is strategically poised at the intersection of three major interstates, making it an attractive location for economic development. Urbana is internationally distinguished as the home of the University of Illinoi... Read more




Org chart

Diane Wolfe Marlin

Sheila Dodd
Interim Community Development Services Department Director
Kathryn Levy
Executive Assistant To The Mayor And City Administrator
Chad Hensch
Division Chief
Brian Weldy
Fire Lieutenant
Zachery Mikalik
Services Lieutenant
Kimberly Hubbard
Business Analyst
Darius White Msm
Economic Development Coordinator
Hillary Ortiz
Executive Assistant
John Zeman
City Engineer
Marcus Ricci
Planner II
Scott Tess
Sustainability & Resilience Officer
Vivian Krishnan
Arts Program Specialist For Urbana Arts & Culture