City University of New York


The City University of New York is the public university system of New York City.




Org chart

Félix V. Matos Rodríguez

Rachel Stephenson
Chief Transformation Officer
Sherif Soliman
Senior Vice Chancellor for Budget & Finance & CFO
Derek Davis
General Counsel & Sr. Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs
Dolly Martínez
Chancellor’s Chief of Staff
Gayle Horwitz
Senior Advisor to the Chancellor and Secretary to the Board of Trustees
Gloria K. Doriane
Vice Chancellor of Human Resources Management
Hector Batista
Executive Vice Chancellor & Chief Operating Officer
Anne Lopes
Interim Vice Chancellor, Academic & Faculty Affairs
Maite Junco
Vice Chancellor for Communications and Marketing
Mohamed Attalla
Vice Chancellor of the Office for Facilities, Planning & Construction Management
Denise B. Maybank
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Eusebio Formoso
Vice Chancellor for Information Technology & University CIO
Jeffrey Rodus
Vice Chancellor for Government Affairs
Reine T. Sarmiento
Vice Chancellor, Enrollment Management
Alicia M. Alvero
Interim Executive Vice Chancellor & University Provost

Board & advisors