Vally Helgadottir

VP Of Quality at Controlant

Valley Helgadottir's work experience includes various roles and positions in different companies. They started their career as a Media Coordinator at Medicus NY in 2000 and then worked as an Associate Project Manager and Traffic Coordinator/Traffic Supervisor at Publicis LifeBrands Medicus from 2001 to 2004. Afterwards, they served as an Account Executive at LifeBrands USA/Nelson Communications in 2004. In 2006, they became a Customer Service Manager at Medis ehf. From 2008 to 2018, they worked at Distica as a Department Manager - Customer Service, and in 2018, they joined Controlant as the Chief Services Officer. They then held the position of Chief Operating Officer from 2022 to 2023 before becoming the Interim VP Project and Information Management. Since 2024, they have been working as the VP of Quality at Controlant. Additionally, they had a short period as an Adventure Seeker at Self-Exploration and Adventure in 2023.

Vally Helgadottir has a diverse education history. In 2000, they earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Ithaca College, majoring in Organizational Communication, Learning, and Design. Prior to that, they received an Associate of Arts degree in Communication Concentration from Middlesex Community College in 1998. In 2010, they obtained a Diploma in Quality Management from Háskóli Íslands. Vally then pursued a Master of Project Management (MPM) degree at Reykjavik University, completing it in 2018. In terms of certifications, Vally obtained an Executive Program in Mastering Design Thinking from MIT Sloan School of Management in 2022. In 2016, they acquired an IPMA D certification from the International Project Management Association. Additionally, they received a diploma in Quality Management from the University of Iceland in 2010. The specifics regarding Vally Helgadottir's education in Breiðholtsskóli are not provided.



  • VP Of Quality

    January, 2024 - present

  • Interim VP Project And Information Management

    November, 2023

  • Chief Operating Officer

    February, 2022

  • Chief Services Officer

    May, 2018

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