Craig Realty Group


Craig Realty Group is a shopping center development and management firm founded by Steven L. Craig and is based in Newport Beach, Calif. A leader in the development and management of high income-producing, upscale factory outlet centers, Craig Realty Group owns and operates nearly five million squa... Read more

Org chart

Steven L. Craig
Founder and President/CEO

Steven L. Craig

Joann Truax's profile picture
Joann Truax
Director Real Estate Operations & Marketing
Rino Larosa
VP Finance And Accounting
Donna Balderrama
Vice President Operations
Sally Terando
Vice President, Leasing
Angela Felix
General Manager
Phil Craig's profile picture
Phil Craig
Doreen Woods
Director Corporate Services Special Projects
Elsa Pena
Human Resources Manager
Chad Seitz
Registered In-house Counsel