Crawford & Company


For over 75 years, Crawford has solved the world's claims handling challenges and helped businesses keep their focus where it belongs — on people.





Org chart

Rohit Verma
President & CEO

Rohit Verma

Andrew Bart
CEO, International Operations
Michelle Montgomery
Chief Marketing Officer
W. Bruce Swain
Chief Financial Officer
Nidhi Verma
Chief People & ESG Officer
Roberto McQuattie
Global Chief Transformation Officer
Tami Stevenson
General Counsel
Larry Thomas
Global President, Platform Solutions
Mike Hoberman
President, TPA Broadspire, North America
Pat Van Bakel
President, Loss Adjusting, North America
Greg Smith
President, Canada
Niels De Kock
President, Europe & Middle East
Jonathan Hubbard
President, Australia
Glenn Thornton
Head of Major Loss, UK & Ireland
Suzanne Ferguson
Head of Property, UK & Ireland
Paul Lofkin
Head of Platform Solutions, UK & Ireland
Cott Murray
Head of Specialist Liability Services, UK & Ireland
Suzie Norman
HR Director, UK & Ireland
Mollie Brentna
Head of IT, UK & Ireland
Iain Davison
Head of Legal Services, UK & Ireland