Department of Justice Canada


The Department of Justice Canada works to ensure a fair, accessible, and efficient system of justice for all Canadians.





Org chart

Arif Virani
Minister & Attorney General of Canada

Arif Virani

Shalene Curtis-Micallef
Associate Deputy Minister
Chris Rupar
Chief General Counsel
Danielle Payant
Acting Chief Audit & Evaluation Executive
Shirley Anne Off
Director General, Communications
Laurie-Catherine Wright
SADM, Policy Sector
Michael Sousa
Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy Sector
Laurie Sargent
Assistant Deputy Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio
Samantha Maislin Dickson
Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Safety, Defence & Immigration Portfolio
Catherine Letellier De St.-Just
Acting Assistant Deputy Minister, Tax Law Services Portfolio
Andrew Saranchuk
Assistant Deputy Minister, Business & Regulatory Law Portfolio
Jade Boucher
Acting ADM, Tax Law Services Portfolio
Bill Kroll
Assistant Deputy Minister & CFO, Management Sector
Jodie Van Dieen
Counsel to the Clerk of the Privy Council & Assistant Deputy Minister
Benjamin Roebuck
Federal Ombudsperson for Victims of Crime
Isabelle T. Jacques
Associate Deputy Minister