Dimensional Innovations


Helps businesses develop exceptional brand experiences to captivate and engage their target market. Works with clients that include 50, 000 seat stadiums and history museums to create experiences customers will love. Focuses on the sports, corporate, student life and entertainment industries.





Org chart

Profile photo

Tucker Trotter

Tom Collins' profile picture
Tom Collins
President & CFO
Chad Hutson's profile picture
Chad Hutson
Chief Strategy Officer
Vernon Williams' profile picture
Vernon Williams
Chief People Officer
Justin Wood's profile picture
Justin Wood
Principal & Sports Practice Director
Rick Smith's profile picture
Rick Smith
VP, ECD Experiential Design
JC Hendricks' profile picture
JC Hendricks
VP, ECD Interactive Technology
Curtis Walker's profile picture
Curtis Walker
VP, Product Development
Sara Deuel's profile picture
Sara Deuel
VP & Director, Project Success
Nick King's profile picture
Nick King
Director, Project Management
Suzanne Towles' profile picture
Suzanne Towles
Client Success Director
Matt Kinnan's profile picture
Matt Kinnan
Director, IT
Spencer Farley's profile picture
Spencer Farley
Account Director
Brandon Kuzara's profile picture
Brandon Kuzara
Corporate Account Director
Carole Hollman's profile picture
Carole Hollman
Practice Director, Culture
Rachel Julo's profile picture
Rachel Julo
Director, Strategy
Mary Wooldridge's profile picture
Mary Wooldridge
Community Engagement Director
Ashley Loch's profile picture
Ashley Loch
Creative Director
Wendy Hauser's profile picture
Wendy Hauser
Design Studio Manager
Ashley Bonderer's profile picture
Ashley Bonderer
Project Manager II
Chelsie Helton's profile picture
Chelsie Helton
Talent Manager
Abby Thomas
Accounting Manager
Troy Norris
Senior Front-End Engineer
Damon Bradshaw
Solutions Engineer
Mather Saladin
Design Engineer 1
Jeffery Wanstreet
Logistics Associate
Jesa Sokol
Client Development Representative
Maddie Renne
Senior Accounting Specialist
Austin Hartman
Financial Analyst
Stefania LaPerriere
Senior Interactive Producer
Chuck Hall
Metal Fabricator
Tracy Stielow
Metal Fabricator 1
Laura Saettele
Metal Fabricator I
Colin Flanders
Fabricator I
Jake Beedle
Travel Installer
Patrick Dougherty
Travel Installer
Matt Leibman
CNC Technician III
Alan Balster
Will Stapp
Client Development Representative
Rachel Walker
Talent Specialist
Jacob Berkley
Estimator I
Mitchell Emery
Design Engineer I
Caroline Deeter
Operations Specialist
Kenneth McLaughlin
AV Technologist
Piper Dorsey
Vp, Product Development
Matthew Courtney
Senior Machinist
Jordan Merricks
Installer II
Shawn Powell
Metal Fabricator
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