Firebrand Technologies


Firebrand Technologies is more than a software and services company. We are an active partner in the book publishing business, providing steadfast leadership and seamless information flow throughout the entire publishing process. It is what we love and what we do—every day, for almost 30 years.Fireb... Read more


Newburyport, US




Org chart

Angela Bole
Chief Executive Officer

Angela Bole

Addison Minott
Director of Finance and Administration
Ben Todd
Product Manager (fit) Integrations
Joshua Tallent
Director of Sales and Education
Robert S. Stevens
Director of Product Operations
Anderson Cadell
Software Engineer
Brock Lyman
Software Consultant
Chris Adler
Software Engineer
Cody Randall
QA Automation Engineer
Colleen Curry
Junior Software Engineer
Dallas Heil
Implementation Specialist
Dalton Valliere
Software Engineer
Denise Muise
Client/Software/Web Support
Emily Schroeder
Software Quality Assurance Specialist
Ivan Castronuno
Junior SQL Developer
Jennifer Lyman
Implementation SQL Developer
Kevin Tremblay
SQL Developer / Data Engineer
Linda Mills
Eloquence Operations/Cloud Monitor
Marie Katzen
Software QA Engineer
Roger Ramirez
SQL Developer
Ryan Durham
Senior Software Engineer