Flinders University


Flinders University is a public university located in Adelaide, South Australia.




Org chart

Colin J Stirling
President and Vice-Chancellor

Colin J Stirling

Romy Lawson
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students)
Robert Saint
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Sebastian Raneskold
Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International)
Richard Porter
Chief Financial Officer
Jayne Flaherty
Chief of Staff
Mark Gregory
Vice-President (Corporate Services)
Michael Gilding
Vice-President and Executive Dean, College of Business, Government and Law
Deborah West
Vice-President and Executive Dean, College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
Peter Monteath
Vice-President and Executive Dean, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Jonathan Craig
Vice-President and Executive Dean, College of Medicine and Public Health
Alison Kitson
Vice-President and Executive Dean, College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Alistair Rendell
Vice-President and Executive Dean, College of Science and Engineering
Jorge Garcia
Executive Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor
Andrew Foley
Director And Principal, Flinders University Academy