Flyline Tele Sales & Services Gmbh (British Airways)

1 follower

FLYLINE - der internationale Kunden-Kontakt-Manager für Ihren umfassenden 5-Sterne-Service.


Bremen, Germany




Org chart

Michael Spring
Managing Director

Michael Spring

Stephan Dwinger
Manager Finance IT
Mark Parry
IT Executive Infrastructure
Thomas Schünemann
Kaufmännischer Spezialist
Gloria Giramahoro
Sales Representative For British Airways And Iberia
Iryna Ripetska
Customer Support Specialist
Izaskun Echebarria Samaniego
Agente Del Servicio De Atención Al Cliente
Maria Anna Stampouloglou
Frontline Support
Marta Crespí
Sales Agent And Customer Service
Monica Boersch-Eberding
Customer Relations English And German
Federico Ochoa
Area Sales Representative
Raffaella Pellizzaro
Sachberater Customer Complains And Services
Yolanda del Sol
Specialista Retail