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Fortnum & Mason


Since its foundation in Piccadilly in 1707, Fortnum & Mason has been at the heart of London life, supplying the very finest goods and services. From the Food Halls to the Diamond Jubilee Tea Salon it is filled with unique and exceptional food and gifts.





Org chart

Profile photo

Tom Athron

Rupert Thomas' profile picture
Rupert Thomas
Chief Commercial Officer
Marco V Addamo's profile picture
Marco V Addamo
General Manager
David Thompson's profile picture
David Thompson
General Manager, Foods
James Blackbrough's profile picture
James Blackbrough
General Manager, Satellite Stores
Carmen Chiu's profile picture
Carmen Chiu
Regional Managing Director, APAC
Richard Gilding
Regional Managing Director, APAC
Liz Darran
Chief Brand and Creative Officer
Simon Thompson
Chief Customer Officer
Nicole Marciano Assoc. Cipd
People Services Manager
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