Global Communities


Global Communities is a politically neutral, non-profit 501(c)(3), that prides itself on an approach which is accountable, efficient and effective.





Org chart

Carrie Hessler-Radelet's profile picture
Carrie Hessler-Radelet
President & CEO
Billy Blake's profile picture
Billy Blake
Chief Information Officer
Deborah Harris' profile picture
Deborah Harris
VP, DEI & Chief People Officer
Ameha Aytenfisu's profile picture
Ameha Aytenfisu
Chief of Party, Ethiopia RIPA Project
Kelly Van Husen's profile picture
Kelly Van Husen
VP, Humanitarian Assistance
John McWeeney's profile picture
John McWeeney
VP, Strategic Growth & Partnerships
Yvonne Mulenga's profile picture
Yvonne Mulenga
Executive Director, Project Concern Zambia
Richard Shumann
Senior Director, Development Finance
Cara Endyke-Doran
Senior Director, Health, Nutrition & WASH
Mazen Fawzy
Senior Director, Food Security, Climate Action & Economic Opportunity
Dennis Mello
Senior Director, Gender, Youth & Social Inclusion
Stacey Williams
Director, Safeguarding
Alberto Wilde
Country Director & COP, Ghana
Dorothy Tlagae
Country Director, Botswana
Indrajit Chaudhuri
Country Director, PCI India
Lana Abu-Hijleh
Country Director, West Bank & Gaza
Jeyathevan Kaarththigeyan
Chief of Party, Sri Lanka SCORE Activity
Philippe LeMay
Chief of Party, USDA McGovern–Dole International Food for Education & Child Nutrition Program, Madagascar
Eva Mejia
Country Representative, Honduras
Lisa Bain
Director, U.S. & Border Programs
Chris Bessenecker
Senior Director, Innovation
Jon Allen
Senior Director, Americas
Marc Valentin
Country Director, Guatemala
Simon Worrall
Country Director, Türkiye & Syria
Sadete Kastrati
Chief of Party, Kosovo Up to Youth
Nordyn Yacine
Chief Digital Officer, Vitas Group

Board & advisors