Global Communities


Global Communities is a politically neutral, non-profit 501(c)(3), that prides itself on an approach which is accountable, efficient and effective.





Org chart

Carrie Hessler-Radelet
President & CEO
Billy Blake
Chief Information Officer
Deborah Harris
VP, DEI & Chief People Officer
Ameha Aytenfisu
Chief of Party, Ethiopia RIPA Project
Khalid Kabeer
CEO, Vitas Group
Kelly Van Husen
VP, Humanitarian Assistance
John McWeeney
VP, Strategic Growth & Partnerships
Yvonne Mulenga
Executive Director, Project Concern Zambia
Richard Shumann
Senior Director, Development Finance
Cara Endyke-Doran
Senior Director, Health, Nutrition & WASH
Mazen Fawzy
Senior Director, Food Security, Climate Action & Economic Opportunity
Dennis Mello
Senior Director, Gender, Youth & Social Inclusion
Stacey Williams
Director, Safeguarding
Alberto Wilde
Country Director & COP, Ghana
Dorothy Tlagae
Country Director, Botswana
Indrajit Chaudhuri
Country Director, PCI India
Lana Abu-Hijleh
Country Director, West Bank & Gaza
Jeyathevan Kaarththigeyan
Chief of Party, Sri Lanka SCORE Activity
Philippe LeMay
Chief of Party, USDA McGovern–Dole International Food for Education & Child Nutrition Program, Madagascar
Eva Mejia
Country Representative, Honduras
Lisa Bain
Director, U.S. & Border Programs
Chris Bessenecker
Senior Director, Innovation
Pamela Bowen
Senior Regional Director, Africa
Jon Allen
Senior Director, Americas
Marc Valentin
Country Director, Guatemala
Simon Worrall
Country Director, Türkiye & Syria
Sadete Kastrati
Chief of Party, Kosovo Up to Youth