

Halftime is not defined by age or stage of life or career. We facilitate your self-exploration whenever you’re ready to transform your life from “is this all there is?” to “I can’t wait for what’s next.” You are God’s workmanship, created for a purpose (Ephesians 2:10). Your dissatisfaction with t... Read more




Org chart

Jim Stollberg
Co-Chief Executive Officer

Jim Stollberg

Bonnie Patterson
Marketing Manager
Reni Filbrun
Client Experience Manager
Doug Piper
Founder And Host Halftime Livestreams And Podcasts
Graham Pitt
Vice-president Charlotte Affiliate
Kristin Rosell Evenson
Halftime Certified Coach & Facilitator
Rhonda Sewell Kehlbeck
Vice President Of Admissions
Amy Walker Barrs
Certified Halftime Coach And Facilitator
Bonnie Chan Mmc-Iac
Certified Halftime Coach And Facilitator
Chip Declue
Halftime Coach
James Dean
Certified Halftime Coach
Ming Ying Lee
Certified Halftime Coach
Mathilda Fourie
Halftime Coach And Facilitator
Rod Stewart
Master Certified Halftime Coach
Steve Ivaska
Certified Halftime Institute Coach
Bob Elrod
President Halftime Institute Of Nashville