Hunt Oil



Hunt Oil Company is a privately held exploration and production company that has successfully conducted petroleum operations for more than 80 years.





Org chart

Mark Gunnin

Ashleigh Everett
SVP & General Counsel
Chris Lane
SVP, Corporate Reservoir Engineering & Geoscience
Igor Salazar
SVP, South America
Jason Kurek
Senior Vice President - North America
Michael Monroe
SVP, Legal & Strategy
Travis Armayor
SVP and Chief Financial Officer
Dora Hilburn
Corporate Communications Director
Ann Ingram
VP Of Human Resources
Ursula Koch
Vice President Human Resources
Marian Paun
Chief Operator
Muhammad Tofeeque Khan
Production Chief Operation
Christopher Lanzillotta
SVP And General Counsel, Hunt Consolidated. General Counsel, Palette Investment Company
Paul W. Licata
Vice President Of Environmental, Health, & Safety
Nicky Vanlommel
Director Of Innovation
Sofia E. Carruyo
Senior Staff Reservoir Engineer
Duncan Barber Cpp
Vice President, Executive Lead Of Global Security Group
Joe Cantu
Sr. Staff Drilling Engineer
Leonardo Mogollon
Technical Analyst
Suneetha Indurthy
Sr. IT Analyst
Victor Liu