Audrey Wright-Cipriano

AVP, Marketing Strategy & Execution at Independent Community Bankers of America

Audrey Wright-Cipriano is a director of marketing strategy and execution for the Independent Community Bankers of America’s® (ICBA). In this role she is responsible for building and delivering bold, thoughtful, and measurement-driven marketing campaigns that serve the organization’s mission of creating an environment where community banks flourish.

Over the course of her 20+ year tenure at ICBA, Wright-Cipriano has led marketing efforts for many of ICBA’s subsidiaries and departments, and today works primarily with ICBA Community Banker University. Her deep familiarity with the community banking industry’s needs and expectations has served her well as she strives to showcase the depth and breadth of educational programs and resources that are available to ICBA member banks and their staff.

Wright-Cipriano has a BA in English and a BA in Philosophy from East Carolina University. She graduated from UNC Chapel Hill’s Digital Marketing Bootcamp in April 2021.