National Park Service


The National Park Service cares for the more than 400 national parks in the U.S. The National Park Service also partners with local communities to assist in historic preservaton and the creation and maintenance of recreational spaces.





Org chart

Charles F. Sams III

Lena McDowall
Deputy Director, Management & Administration
Joy Beasley
Associate Director, Cultural Resources, Partnerships, And Science
Rita Moss
Senior Executive - Associate Director For Workforce And Inclusion
Ray Sauvajot
Associate Director, Natural Resource Stewardship & Science
Lauren Imgrund
Associate Director Partnerships & Civic Engagement
Mike Caldwell
Associate Director, Park Planning, Facilities, & Lands
Kate Hammond
Acting Regional Director
Frank Lands
Deputy Director
Shane Crutcher
National Structural Fire Chief
Kevin Coffee
Chief Interpretation & Education Officer, Lowell National Historical Park
Brian Goeken
Chief, Technical Preservation Services
Rachel Stasny
Chief of Administration and Chief of Staff, Blue Ridge Parkway
Richard Rensel
Telecommunications Specialist
Scott Thompson-Buchanan
Branch Chief of Cartography, Mapping and Boundary Management
Charles Cuvelier
Associate Director, Visitor & Resource Protection
Steve Cohn
Associate Director, Interpretation, Education, & Volunteers
Kathy Turner
Assistant Director, Communications
Niki Nicholas
Amber Smigiel
Public Affairs Specialist
Aaron Shandor
Superintendent, Andrew Johnson
Mark Foust
Regional Director