

When we started Otta, the realities of job search were quite bleak. Recruitment was stuck in the dark ages, the big players had failed to innovate, and job seekers were fed-up. Searches were throwing up irrelevant jobs. Recruiters were pushing unsuitable roles. Being ghosted by companies was the nor... Read more






Org chart

Sam Franklin


Behind the scenes


What could exceptional look like?

Our standards are high, and there are moments where it's worth pushing them further. We're comfortable asking hard questions to explore how to make something exceptional

What would it take to learn faster?

Speed of iteration typically beats quality of iteration. We move fast when it helps us learn faster - we feel safe taking risks, finding smart shortcuts, or shipping experiments

What’s the return?

We like to make a lot happen with a little. Doing this requires an evaluation of return on investment, and discipline to work on the problems that will have the biggest impact

We challenge because we care

We believe challenge allows us to reach new heights. From personal development to product design, we challenge because we care about each other and Otta’s success

There for each other

Startups are hard, but more enjoyable when working with great people. We are supportive and generous with our time, whether it's giving feedback or brightening up someone's day

Candidates first

Otta was started to make job search less soul crushing. Our main focus is meticulously crafting the best experience for candidates