Ottawa International Airport Authority / Administration de l'aéroport international d'Ottawa

1 follower

The Ottawa International Airport was opened in 1930 when the Canadian civil aviation industry was just beginning to take shape in the National Capital Region. In February of 1997, Transport Canada transferred the facility to the newly formed Ottawa International Airport Authority (OIAA), an indepe... Read more


Ottawa, CA




Org chart

Mark Laroche's profile picture
Mark Laroche
President And Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

Mark Laroche

Joel Tkach's profile picture
Joel Tkach
Vice President, Business Development And Marketing
Marcel Mathurin
Vice President Operations And Infrastructure
Dan Fortier
Vice President Information Technology & CISO
Erin M. Kelly
Director, Human Resources
Krista Kealey's profile picture
Krista Kealey
Vice President, Communications And Public Affairs
Rob Turpin's profile picture
Rob Turpin
Chief Financial Officer
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