Tracie LK Cowen

Associate Laboratory Director, Business Services & Chief Financial Officer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - PNNL

Tracie Cowen serves as Chief Financial Officer and Associate Laboratory Director for Business Services at PNNL. In this role, she oversees all core and deployed business systems and is responsible for all financial functions, including payroll, accounts receivable and payable, asset management, contracts, and business development and analysis. Tracie previously served as Division Director for Business Development and Analysis and was responsible for the Laboratory's financial planning process, including formulation of budgets and financial targets and for delivering financial services to internal customers. She has held several other positions during her 25-year career at PNNL and Battelle, including Business Manager for the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, the former Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate, and Battelle Laboratory Operations.

Tracie earned a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from Arizona State University and a Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Washington.