People Can Fly


People Can Fly is one of the best AAA game development studios in Poland and one of the leading UNREAL ENGINE studios in Europe.





Org chart

Sebastian Wojciechowski
CEO, Studio Head & Lead Producer

Sebastian Wojciechowski

Sam Girardin
Co-Head of NA
Mateusz Kirstein
Co-Head of Studios Europe
Adam Alker
Head, Transformation
Laurent Malville
Creative Director
Philippe Baude
Game Design Director
Jarosław Surowiec
Technical Director
Krzysztof Dolaś
Technical Art Director
Bartosz Kmita
Creative Director, Outriders Game Director
Bartosz Biełuszko
Art Director
Jeff Siadek
Development Director
Kay Huang
Art Director
Marc-Andre Clermont
Level Design Director
Cedric Diaz
Lead Audio Designer
Liz Hubley
Lead Environment Artist
Daniel Krzywania
Animation Director
Jon Buran
Art Director
Alex Stokes
QA Director
Matthew Pearson
UI Director
Jaroslaw Palczynski
Technical Director
Matthieu Garaud
Level Design Director
Sherry Zhou
Associate Lead Producer
Adam Parsons
Chief Development Officer