RBL Bank


RBL Bank Limited is a banking company. The Bank is engaged in providing a range of banking and financial services, including commercial banking, retail banking, agriculture finance and financial inclusion, treasury operations and other banking related activities. The Bank's segments include Corporat... Read more



Mumbai, India




Org chart

R. Subramaniakumar's profile picture
R. Subramaniakumar
Managing Director & CEO
Profile photo

R. Subramaniakumar

Deepak Kumar's profile picture
Deepak Kumar
Chief Risk Officer
Ravi Pichan's profile picture
Ravi Pichan
Chief Information Officer
Deepak Gaddhyan's profile picture
Deepak Gaddhyan
Chief Credit Officer, Wholesale
Kunal Dhingra's profile picture
Kunal Dhingra
Chief Technology Officer
Prakash Gupta's profile picture
Prakash Gupta
Chief Compliance Officer
Parag Kale
Chief Credit Officer, Retail & Head, Retail Collections
Rajeev Ahuja
Executive Director, Strategy
Jaideep Iyer
Head of Strategy
Surinder Chawla
Head of Retail Liabilities & Wealth Management
N. Hari Prakash
Head of Enterprise Risk
Alok Rastogi
Head of Corporate Centre
Amit Khanna
Head Credit Policy - Credit Cards
Bharat Rungta
Head, Wholesale Banking
Anshul Chandak
Head, Treasury
Kamal Sabhlok
Head, Secured & MFI Business & Credit Card Collections
Abhijit Somvanshi
Head, Marketing, Communications & Client Services
Bikram Yadav
Head, Credit Cards
Swapnil Yadav
Senior Manager - Cards Portfolio
Niti Arya
Head Secretarial
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