Leadership Team


The leadership team at Safran has a long history of experience in a variety of industries. Many members of the team have worked in the government, including asPrefet, chef de cabinet du Président de la République, Conseiller auprès des ministres de l'Intérieur et de l'Economie, and Conseiller technique. Others have worked in the aerospace industry, including as Chairman of the Board at ArianeGroup and Chief engineer for the HM7 and Vinci rocket engines. Still others have worked in the financial sector, including as Financial sector advisor at Ministères de l'Économie, des Finances, de l'Action et des Comptes publics. The team is also well-educated, with members holding degrees from École Polytechnique, Mines Paris, PhD Materials & Mechanics, Ecole centrale de Lyon, Engineering, Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN), Politique de Défense, ISAE-SUPAERO, Aéronautique, HEC Paris, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, Pierre and Marie Curie University, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, École Polytechnique, Physique, and APICS Northern Colorado.

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