Smithsonian Institution


The Smithsonian is the world's largest museum and research complex, with 19 museums and galleries, the National Zoo, and 9 research facilities.





Org chart

Lonnie G. Bunch III

Carol Leblanc
President, Smithsonian Enterprises
Greg Bettwy
Chief of Staff to the Secretary
Meroë Park
Deputy Secretary & Chief Operating Officer
Kevin Gover
Acting Under Secretary for Museums & Culture
Ellen Stofan
Under Secretary for Science & Research
Monique M. Chism
Under Secretary for Education
Julissa Marenco
Assistant Secretary for Communications & External Affairs & Chief Marketing Officer
Robert J. Spiller
Assistant Secretary for Advancement
Nicole Angarella
Inspector General
Aviva Rosenthal
Director, Office of Global Affairs
Aretha L. Carr
Director, Office of Equal Employment & Supplier Diversity
Elizabeth Ziebarth
Director, Office of Visitor Accessibility
Sara Snyder
Director Of Digital Programs, Office Of Digital Transformation
Matt Finick
National Board Memeber