South Coast Air Quality Management District


South Coast AQMD is the regulatory agency responsible for improving air quality for large areas of Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, including the Coachella Valley. The region is home to more than 17 million people–about half the population of the entire state of Ca... Read more





Org chart

Wayne Nastri
Executive Officer

Wayne Nastri

Susan Nakamura
Chief Operating Officer
Anissa Heard - Johnson
Executive Office
Derrick Alatorre
Legislative, Public Affairs & Media
Ian Macmillan
Assistant Deputy Executive Officer
John Olvera
Deputy Executive Officer
Lisa Tanaka O’malley
Assistant Deputy Executive Officer
Michael Krause
Assistant Deputy Executive Officer
Nahal Mogharabi
Assistant Deputy Executive Officer
Sarah Rees
Deputy Executive Officer
Terrence Mann
Deputy Executive Officer
Faye Thomas
Clerk Of The Boards
Dr. Anissa Cessa Heard-Johnson
Deputy Executive Officer For Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion
Kathryn Higgins
Executive Office