The Blair Partnership


Neil Blair founded The Blair Partnership in 2011 with a vision to create a more progressive type of agency. As J.K. Rowling’s agent, we have pioneered a new approach to representation that has helped to create and continues to constantly grow one of the world’s major entertainment franchises. We r... Read more






Org chart

Jenny Phillips
Group Managing Director

Jenny Phillips

Sarah Pick
Chief Brand And Product Officer
Clara Nelson
Director Of Marketing And Communications
Lauren Gonoud
Head Of HR
Muna Hagler
Finance Director, Client Entities
Paul Marshall
Finance And Client Management Operations Director
Richard Hoye
Director Of Technology & Operations
Kevin Meade
Finance Systems Upgrade Project Lead
Katie Munro
Franchise Development Manager
Rachel Moorhead
Permissions Manager And EA To Group Legal Counsel
Jordan Amy Stevens
Senior International Publishing Executive
Ellie O'Ready
Executive Assistant To Founding Partner