Financial Conduct Authority



The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates the conduct of nearly 60,000 businesses. They aim to make sure that financial markets work well so that consumers get a fair deal.





Org chart

Nikhil Rathi
Chief Executive

Nikhil Rathi

Jessica Rusu
Chief Data, Information and Intelligence Officer
Stephen Braviner Roman
General Counsel
Emily Shepperd
Executive Director, Authorisations
Sheldon Mills
Executive Director, Consumers and Competition
Sarah Pritchard
Executive Director, Markets & Executive Director, International
Sheree Howard
Executive Director, Risk and Compliance Oversight
Therese Chambers
Joint Executive Director, Enforcement & Market Oversight
Steve Smart
Joint Executive Director of Enforcement & Market Oversight
Dominic Hastings
Chief Procurement Officer
Siobhan Sheridan
Chief People Officer
Ian Alderton
Chief Information Officer
Rob May
Head Of Technology Delivery & Business Management
Bryan Zhang
Non-executive Director FCA Board Member

Board & advisors

Alice Maynard
Non-Executive Board member
Sam Woods
Non-Executive Board member
Liam Coleman
Non-Executive Board member
Bernadette Conroy
Non-Executive Board member
Sophie Hutcherson
Non Executive Director