The Medicus Firm


Established in 2001, The Medicus Firm (TMF) is a national retained healthcare search firm with a mission to save lives through teamwork and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Unparalleled resources and recruitment experience make TMF one of the most prominent and most effective retained healthcar... Read more





Org chart

Nathan Miller
Chief Executive Officer

Nathan Miller

Hope Snider
Senior Director Of Business Development - Academic & Executive Search
Brian White
Director Of Recruiting - Academic Division
David Kirschner
Director Of Recruiting
David Pyle
Director Of Recruiting
Jill Gillen
Director Of Recruitment - Allied And Dental
Michelle Rosquillo
Research Manager
Evan Reece
Senior Vice President
Michael Messier
Senior Vice President Business Development
Josh Hunt
Divisional Vice President
Chris Sanchez
Director Of Business Development
Patricia van Brocklin
Marketing Manager
Mark Lozano
Sara Christine Frister
Physician Recruiter
Hunter Dersch
Director Of Operations
Amy Massey
Senior Recruitment Manager
Justin Burchinal
Senior Training Manager
Stacey Clark
Senior Clinical Recruiter
Abigail Crock
Senior Graphic Designer