The Scottish Government

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The Scottish Government is the executive branch of the devolved government of Scotland. It is accountable to the Scottish Parliament.





Org chart

Shona Robison
Deputy First Minister & Cabinet Secretary for Finance
Shirley-Anne Somerville
Cabinet Secretary for Education & Skills
Mairi Gougeon
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs & Islands
Angus Robertson
Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs & Culture
Michael Matheson
Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care
Angela Constance
Cabinet Secretary for Justice & Home Affairs
Mairi McAllan
Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero & Just Transition
Jenny Gilruth
Cabinet Secretary for Education & Skills
Neil Gray
Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work & Energy
George Adam
Minister for Parliamentary Business
Richard Lochhead
Minister for Small Business, Innovation & Trade
Tom Arthur
Minister for Community Wealth & Public Finance
Maree Todd
Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing & Sport
Jamie Hepburn
Minister for Independence
Christina McKelvie
Minister for Culture, Europe & International Development
Patrick Harvie
Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel & Tenants' Rights
Lorna Slater
Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy & Biodiversity
Elena Whitham
Minister for Drugs & Alcohol Policy
Ruth Charteris
Solicitor General
Dorothy Bain
Lord Advocate
Natalie Don
Minister for Children, Young People & Keeping the Promise
Gillian Martin
Minister for Energy & the Environment
Paul McLennan
Minister for Housing
Emma Roddick
Minister for Equalities, Migration & Refugees
Siobhian Brown
Minister for Victims & Community Safety
Joe Fitzpatrick
Minister for Local Government Empowerment & Planning
Jenni Minto
Minister for Public Health & Women's Health
Graeme Dey
Minister for Higher & Further Education; & Minister for Veterans
John-Paul Marks
Permanent Secretary
Louise Macdonald
Director-General, Communities
Ken Thomson
Director-General, Strategy & External Affairs
Lesley Fraser
Director-General, Corporate
Gregor Irwin
Director-General, Economy
Joe Griffin
Director-General, Education & Justice
Roy Brannen
Director-General, Net Zero
Alyson Stafford
Director-General, Scottish Exchequer
Fiona Hyslop
Minister for Transport