The Trilateral Commission


The Trilateral Commission is a global membership organization that for decades has brought together senior policymakers, business leaders, and representatives of media and academe to discuss and propose solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. Founded in 1973, the Commission has for decad... Read more




Org chart

Kentaro Okuda
President And Group Ceo, Nomura Holdings, Inc., Tokyo

Kentaro Okuda

Makiko Eda
Chief Representative Officer, World Economic Forum, Japan
Chris Howard
President, Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh
Ian Bremmer
President, Eurasia Group And Gzero Media
Wayne Safro
Managing Director, Global Wealth Management, UBS
Gunho Kim
Vice President/corporate Development Pu, Samyang Holdings Corporation
David Rockefeller
Fellows (drfs) Program.
Bret Stephens
Op-ed Columnist, The New York Times
Hubert Burda
Media Group, Munich
Hitoshi Ito
Vice President And Executive Officer, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo
Ornella Barra
Chief Operating Officer, Walgreens Boots Alliance, London
Marc Allen
Chief Strategy Officer And Senior Vice President, Boeing
Lukito Wanandi
President Director, Santini Group, Jakarta
Maria Rankka
Executive Vice President, Business Development Takura, Stockholm
Scott Kleinman
Co-president, Apollo Global Management, New York
Kristen Silverberg
President & Coo, Business Roundtable
Brian Gilvary
Non-executive Director, Barclays Plc And Air Liquide, London