The University of Findlay

1 follower

The University of Findlay is a school in Findlay.




Org chart

Katherine Fell

Darin Fields' profile picture
Darin Fields
Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs
Heather Ward's profile picture
Heather Ward
Vice President, Human Resources
Elizabeth Ditto
Executive Assistant to the President
Brandi Laurita
Vice President, Student Affairs & Director, Athletics
Marcia Sloan Latta
Vice President, University Advancement
Curran McKain's profile picture
Curran McKain
President Of Scuba Club
Jeremiah Jackson
Student General Manager At 88.3 WLFC Radio Station
Rebecca Butler
Vice President For Enrollment Management
Skylar Mettert
Associate Vice President For Safety & Wellness | Civil Rights/title IX Coordinator
Beth Stewart
CTE Program Manager
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