Time Medical

1 follower

Time Medical is a global leader in the medical diagnostic imaging industry with innovative and disruptive technologies. We develop advanced medical imaging systems including MRI, DR, and CT, as well as cost-effective solutions for emerging global healthcare needs.




Org chart

Q.Y. Ma
Group Chairman, CEO & Co-Founder

Q.Y. Ma

Eric Gao
Group CTO & Co-Founder
Simon Yeung
Group COO & Co-Founder
Johnny Wong
Group CFO & Co-Founder
Johnson Chong
SVP of Product Development & Co-Founder
Yuri Wedmid
SVP of Business Development, America
Albert Yeung
SVP of Production & Service
Alec Leung
VP of International Sales & Marketing
Jeffrey Foote
Senior Vice President, General Manager Americas
Mandy Yip
Assistant To CEO
Ramon Hou
GM China 中国区总经理

Board & advisors