Trustar Bank

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Trustar Bank is a community bank conceived to meet the banking needs of businesses and individuals in the greater metropolitan Washington DC area.





Org chart

Shaza Andersen

George W. Connors
Director, President & Chief Credit Officer
Brian Hall
SVP of Online Services
Debbie Hoover
Senior Vice President
Donna Rakes
SVP Compliance
Ed Lull
SVP, Commercial Lending
James Hilsdon
Vice President / Branch Manager
Kimberly Somers
Senior Vice President, Loan Administration
Stephanie Lykins-Harvey
SVP of Operations
Carrie Quinn
Chief Financial Officer
Harrison Lee
Vice President Operations
Yen Ordal
Vice President Operations
Tom Barbieri
VP - Retail Branch | Operations Lead
Jayme Dungan
Senior Vice President Human Resources
Diane Corscadden-Weaver
Executive Vice President