U.S. Department of the Treasury


The Treasury Department is the executive agency responsible for promoting economic prosperity and ensuring the financial security of the United States.





Org chart

Janet Yellen's profile picture
Janet Yellen
Profile photo

Janet Yellen

Pete Bergstrom's profile picture
Pete Bergstrom
Chief Financial Officer And Associate Director For Management (ses)
Bradley Smith
Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism & Financial Intelligence
Aviva Aron-Dine
Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy
Anna Morris' profile picture
Anna Morris
Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing & Financial Crimes
Laura K. Bate's profile picture
Laura K. Bate
Senior Policy Advisor, Office Of Cybersecurity And Critical Infrastructure Protection
Tobin Hansen's profile picture
Tobin Hansen
Policy Advisor At The Office Of Investment Security (cfius)
Talya Lockman-Fine
Chief Speechwriter
Vindhya Adapa
Logan M.
Civil Servant
Steven Seitz
Assistant Secretary, Financial Institutions
Michael Kaplan
Under Secretary, International Affairs, PDO
Brian Smith
Acting Assistant Secretary, Financial Markets
Robert Kaproth
Assistant Secretary, International Finance
Michael Neufeld
Acting Assistant Secretary, Intelligence & Analysis
Lailee Moghtader
Acting Assistant Secretary, International Trade & Development
Andrew Fair
Acting Assistant Secretary, Investment Security
William Sessions
Acting Assistant Secretary, Management
Shelley Leonard
Assistant Secretary, Tax Policy
Patricia Collins
Acting Treasurer, United States
Todd Conklin
Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer And Deputy Assistant Secretary Cyber
Hunter McMaster
Director of Policy Planning
Jamie Clark
Outreach Manager
Tom Krause
Fiscal Assistant Secretary, PDO
Jonathan Blum
Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, PDO
Julia Hahn
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
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