United Nations International School

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The United Nations International School provides an international education that emphasizes academic excellence within a caring community for kindergarten through twelfth grade students from families of the United Nations, as well as from other families seeking a similar education for their children... Read more





Org chart

Dan Brenner
Executive Director

Dan Brenner

Barbara Kennedy
Chief Academic Officer
Elaine Kelly
Middle School Principal
Pascal Vallet
Junior School Principal
Paco Barba Moran
Director, Modern Languages
Debora Belfield
Director, Human Resources
Sochenda Samreth
Director, Curriculum & Instruction
Kim Bruno
Director, Arts
Judith King-Calnek
Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Michelle Fredj-Bertrand
Director, Events & Rental Management
Sean Collins
Director, UNIS Fund
Zakaria Baha
Director, Student Activities & Service Learning
Ernest Lentini
Director, Security
Lidana Jalilvand
Director, Special Programs
Marisa Rivera
Director, Nursing
Daniel O'Connor
Director, Athletics & Physical Education
Daniella Musmani
Director, Communications
Edward Peppe
Director, Buildings & Grounds
Bradley Walters
Director of Admissions
Christine Pluta
Director, College Counseling
Vera Tatel
Alumni Relations Associate