Van Wagner


Van Wagner Group is a collection of industry-leading marketing companies that specialize in connecting brands and properties with their customers in unique ways. Ensuring that the Van Wagner Way – a deep-seated commitment to excellence and forming long-standing relationships – is evident in all they... Read more




Org chart

Paul Kalil

Ben Burke
Vice President
Chris Brahe
Senior Vice President, Van Wagner Sports & Entertainment (VWSE)
Diana LePore
Senior Vice President, Marketing & Operations
Jason Capel
Senior Vice President - College
Julius Grant III
Senior Vice President
Mark Devine
Executive Vice President - Campus Wide
Mark Donley
Chief Revenue Officer, Van Wagner College
Mark Massari
College Division Vice President
Mike P.
President, Van Wagner College
Paul Watkins
Engineering, Technical Director, Camera Operator, Graphics for ASU Athletics
Ryan Kehn
Vice President Creative Services
Sylvester Drozd
Vice President of Operations
Bob Becker
President, Van Wagner Productions
Christina Barras
Makeup Department Head - Super Bowl 2022