

Vestas is the energy industry’s global partner on sustainable energy solutions. They design, manufacture, install, and service wind turbines across the globe, and with 100 GW of wind turbines in 79 countries, we have installed more wind power than anyone else.



Aarhus, Denmark




Org chart

Henrik Andersen's profile picture
Henrik Andersen
President & CEO
Profile photo

Henrik Andersen

Anders Nielsen's profile picture
Anders Nielsen
Chief Technology & Operations Officer And Executive Vice President
Javier Rodriguez Diez
Executive Vice President & CSO
Rasmus Gram
Interim EVP & CFO
Christian Venderby's profile picture
Christian Venderby
Executive Vice President, Service
Thomas Alsbjerg's profile picture
Thomas Alsbjerg
Executive Vice President, CEO At Vestas Development And Head Of Digital Solutions
Anne Pearce
EVP, People & Culture
Morten Dyrholm
Group Senior Vice President, Marketing, Communications, Sustainability And Public Affairs
Maria Belfrage
Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy, Global Intelligence & M&a
James Richardson
Vice President - Sales And Commercial Operations
Chad Comeault
Vp, Business Development And M&a
Madhava Krishna Pokala
Vice President And Head Of Manufacturing Operations - Asia Pacific
Mehran Nourbakhsh
Head Of Plant Innovation, Innovation & Management
Vanessa Benedetti
Senior Director, Training Operations & Workforce Development
Lisanne de Jong
Lead Specialist | Operations Special Projects, Strategy And Risk
Jose Luis Jimeno
President, Vestas Mediterranean

Board & advisors