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AFAR is an online travel guide powered by a community of travelers who share travel experiences through photos and videos.

Org chart

Greg Sullivan
Co-Founder & CEO

Greg Sullivan

Joe Diaz
Julia Cosgrove
VP, Editor-in-Chief
Bryan Kinkade
VP, Publisher
Maggie Gould-Markey
VP, Marketing
Aislyn Greene
Associate Director, Podcasts
Anni Cuccinello
VP, Growth and Product
Barry Brown
Executive Director/Sales
Breanna Rhoades, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Human Resources Director
Julia Rosenbaum
Director Of Finance And Accounting
Kathie Gartrell
Editorial Production Manager
Maggie Gould
Vice President, Marketing
Sarika Bansal
Editorial Director
Claudia Cardia
Motion Designer/Video Editor
Jessie Beck
Associate Director, Video & SEO
Rachel Rudwall
Photographer | Writer | Video Producer | Ambassador