Airbus / Secure Land Communications


Secure Land Communications ( Secure Land Communications (SLC), an Airbus business unit, offers advanced communication and collaboration solutions enabling its customers to gather, process and deploy intelligence. Its portfolio is tailored to the needs of professiona... Read more





Org chart

Olivier Koczan

Martin Mill
Chief Engineer
Olivier Lauque
Chief Financial Officer
Philippe Devos
Head Of Sales
Mohammad Jadallah
Head Of Care (operation And Maintenance) Management And Field Support MEAI
Ángel José Molinero Peña
Head Of Field Operations In Airbus Secure Land Communications Spain
Özlem Uslu
Head Of Legal And Ethics & Compliance Representative
Andreas Diebel
Head Of Service Delivery
Li Zha
Head Of Industrial Sourcing Finland
Mari Härmä
Head Of Supply Chain Management
Paul-Hubert Pavard
Head Of Transformation Office - Secure Land Communication
Stéphanie Bret-Dibat
Head Of Digital Culture
Vincent Seguy
Head Of Delivery Services
Francois Felix
Business Support Manager