The Arc of the Ozarks offers community living programs, therapeutic, family advocacy, counseling, employment, and psychiatric services.

Org chart

Mike Powers
President & CEO

Mike Powers

Tim Dygon
Executive Vice President
Tiara Slack
VP, Quality Management
John Everest
SVP, Finance
Clay McGranahan
VP, Program Services
Alisa Lowry
VP, Program Services
Marybeth Kleinsasser
VP, HR & Staff Development
Kayette Glass
VP, Clinical Services
Harvey Lucas
VP, Program Services
Travis Gaston
Behavioral Consultant
Amy Holland
Director, Education & Recreation
Sara Ibbetson
Director, Applied Behavior Analysis
Michael Rasmussen
Director, IT
Ron Wolfe
Director, Maintenance
Jennifer Weldon
Director, Renovations
Ross Tracy
Director, Residential Supports
Tena Morrow
Director, Residential Supports
Karen Burnell Ruff
Director, Development
Treanna Dougherty
Interim Director, Monett Division
Emily Smasal
Director, Community Connections & Employment Solutions
Jane Gordon
Safety & Risk Management Officer
Kelley Sikes
Director, CounterPoint Residential Services
Colleen Quinn
Director, Rivendale
Sarah Smith
Lead Community Registered Nurse